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Disturbing Footage Raises Concerns

Breaking News: WEB Arme Coco, Child of Divorced Parents, Appearing on MassaIsKassa

Disturbing Footage Raises Concerns

August 31, 2021 - Disturbing footage has emerged online showing WEB Arme Coco, the young child of divorced parents, appearing on the reality show MassaIsKassa. The footage, which has since been removed, has sparked outrage among viewers, who are questioning the child's welfare and the ethics of the show.

Concerns Over Child Exploitation

Critics argue that the footage exploits Coco by exposing her to a life of fame and scrutiny at such a young age. They question whether she fully understands the implications of being on a reality show and whether her parents are acting in her best interests by allowing her to participate.

The footage has also raised concerns about child obesity. Viewers have expressed alarm at Coco's weight, suggesting that she may be overfed by her parents in an effort to make her more appealing for television.

Authorities Investigating

Authorities are reportedly investigating the matter. The National Council for Child Welfare has launched an inquiry into the show's practices and the well-being of Coco. The show's producers have not yet commented on the controversy.

As the investigation continues, the public is being urged to be mindful of the potential harm that can be caused by exposing children to the limelight without proper care and protection.
